I am on my way to back to my village. In a half way, suddenly my car broke down and I stop my car besides the road. I`m become panic because when I looked around the place so dark and scary. After that,I opened the door “creeekkkk” and go out to look at engine compartment. I hope I can fix it. I switch on my torchlight and try look either the plug loose. I was tried to start but it`s not working. Suddenly, I saw a light and I the light came from white “Kancil”. The car stop a few meter from my car. The driver was man go out and then he turn to me, but he looked so weird and hurry up go into his car. I tried to turning back but was nothing. The man looked like he scared of something. I deny the bad feeling and try to fix the engine. After a few minutes, I can saw a big light come opposite on my way. The light was a bus. The bus also stop, and the driver open the door slowly. I saw the driver bus look so strange and scary. He come to me and ask “ ape ke hal yop?”. I tell him that my car ...